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Asphalt vs Concrete Driveway – Which is Better?

June 5, 2022

There are many driveway repair options available today. Many homeowners may be resolute about what to choose when it comes to paving a driveway. Should you choose asphalt or concrete? Many swear that asphalt is the best, while others lean more toward concrete. Both materials have their distinct benefits, so it may take a lot of persuading to make a strong case for one over the other. Read on to find out the main differences between concrete and asphalt. Asphalt vs Concrete You may find it difficult to choose asphalt or concrete if you are having your driveway repaired. Here are some of... View Article

How Can I Extend My Asphalt Driveway’s Lifespan this Summer?

May 5, 2022

The average lifespan of asphalt paving is twenty to thirty years. Asphalt is considered one of the most durable and long-lasting materials that can withstand the harshest conditions, including severe natural elements. However, certain factors can cause early asphalt deterioration, including UV rays, chemical spills from vehicles, water, and even oxygen. Even a small crack in the asphalt may require an expensive repair or can lead to the replacement of the entire paving.Here is what you can and should do this summer if you are asking yourself: “Is extending my asphalt pavement lifespan possible?” Wash and Sweep It Regularly Regular... View Article

When Should I Have Paving Work Done?

May 5, 2022

Are you asking “When should I get my driveway paved?” Maybe you are looking to have a parking lot seal coated. Or maybe you are looking to have repairs done or expand your business and need more sidewalk space. Whatever the reason, the best time to get this type of project done is late spring through summer for various reasons. Setting Times Are Longer If you wonder about the best time to have paving done at my home or business, summer is the answer. One of the reasons being the setting times are longer. While you may believe that the heat... View Article

The Benefits of Asphalt Paving

March 3, 2022

Asphalt paving is undoubtedly one of the most common types of paving used today. Its popularity is attributed to its numerous advantages over other paving materials. Here are the benefits of asphalt paving. 1. Durable Asphalt is a durable material, ideal for constructing long-lasting pavements. Well-designed and constructed asphalt paving can remain sturdy and last for 15 to 20 years. The durability and low-maintenance needs will enable you to save time and money on costly repairs and replacements. 2. Smooth The smoothness associated with asphalt paving is a great advantage. A smoother pavement increases fuel efficiency, thus reducing the amount of... View Article

D. Lee's Paving